
What is broadloom?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines broadloom as "woven on a wide loom". As one could imagine, the massive machines that create broadloom carpet are very large indeed and need to be operated safely by skilled workers to create the finest broadloom carpets that end up in our homes and businesses.

But what is special about broadloom?
Today the term broadloom generally refers to tufted carpet that is usually sold on rolls that are 12 feet wide and sometimes even 15 feet wide. Broadloom carpets are most often installed as wall-to-wall floor coverings, but sometimes are also bound at the edges and made into area rugs or runners, like the example above. Homes with broadloom installations enjoy a warm, insulating and sound dampening floor covering that may just bring you down from the couch to sit on the plush carpet. A fine choice for familes who enjoy comfort and quiet.

How do I get my own broadloom flooring?
Your first step in having broadloom carpet is to have a measurement of the area to be carpeted measured. Once that is done you can choose your quality, style and color and have an estimate done by one of our professionals. Once a product has been chosen, we can arrange for the product and to have the installation done. This process can be made much easier with our shop-at-home service, call now to book an appointment at 416-699-2484